Why join an Allotment Association?
Local Allotment Associations
When you take on an allotment you will usually find that there is an allotment association active on your allotment site. These associations sometimes run the site or work alongside the local council or landowner. In order for an association to be successful they need as many people on the allotment site to become a member.
The main aims of associations are to promote and protect their allotment sites they can act as a voice for allotment holders and can liaise with the council when problems arise. Many sites that do not have good active associations often become neglected and in some cases sites are lost forever to development so there has never been a better reason to support your local allotment association. Many people have the idea that associations are there to tell you what to do and interfere where it is not needed, this couldn't be further from the truth. You don't need to become heavily involved if you don't wish to, simply being a paid up member helps, all funds raised from association membership go straight back into the allotment site and can be used to purchase communal equipment or paying towards any other needs the allotment site may have. Associations have regular meetings to discuss issues and concerns on the site and this can be a good way to get to know your committee and fellow plot holders, it’s a good way to make new friends and share tips and stories of your experiences. Successful associations also arrange open days and produce shows which offer an opportunity for a bit of friendly competition so why not join yours today!
Why join SWCAA?
The south West Counties Allotment Association is one of the UK's largest support organisations for allotment holders, it is a non-profit making community interest company, which means any money we make goes straight back into our organisation to help us provide our members with the best possible service. All of us who work for SWCAA are gardeners or allotment holders with many years’ experience of growing your own and we are also members of our local allotment associations.The benefits of being part of a nationwide organisation are huge, there is safety in numbers and when the efforts of the individual or local association have failed SWCAA can come to your aid. We can help if your allotment site is under threat from development or negotiations with councils have broken down, sometimes it helps to have a third party to help things along.
SWCAA have been very successful in helping to set up new sites and help form new associations, it is not our policy to tell people what to do or expect them to follow any rules or regulations we simply give them the tools they need to do these things themselves. We have a very open, honest, friendly approach and will always try to help if we can, we do however not get involved with personal disputes. By being a member of SWCAA you join thousands of other individuals and groups right across the country all with the same aims in mind and that is to enjoy our allotments and growing our own produce and spread the word about how special and rewarding allotments can be.
Further information on how to join can be found here.