Membership runs for a year from the date you join, you will be sent an e-mail renewal reminder a month before your membership is due to expire, or a postal reminder if you do not have e-mail.
Join on an individual basis but as part of an association or group and with a main contact who will deal with the administration.
All of the prices given above INCLUDE FREE Public and Product Liability cover up to £5million and FREE Employer's Liability cover up to £10 million
We now offer the facility for you to pay your membership via bank transfer If you choose this option, please make sure that you e-mail/phone us to let us know you have paid and include a reference of your membership number if you have one or your surname if you are a new member and the date that you paid. Your forms can either be posted or e-mailed to us.
HSBC BANK ACCOUNT NAME, SOUTH WEST COUNTIES ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION CIC. ACCOUNT NUMBER 91683225 SORT CODE 40-09-13 Please note we cannot take payment over the phone by card.
Download a registration form here (form will open as a word file, choose the save option when prompted to save to your computer) If you have problems downloading the form you can simply write to us requesting membership, including your full contact details and an e-mail address if you have one.
Please read this section carefully. The application form MUST include the complete contact details for each individual this includes title, name, address and postcode. Phone and e-mail are optional although e-mail addresses are required to gain access to the member’s area. We will not be able to process any applications where these details have not been provided.
You can join through your Association or group but must still provide your individual details. Your main contact/representative will deal with us directly and would be responsible for passing the relevant information on to plot holders and they MUST provide us with a contact phone number and e-mail address as we may need to contact them from time to time.
We do appreciate that committee’s do change their secretary’s/treasurers from time to time, if this is the case then please let us know the name of the new person in charge and their details as soon as possible.
You can download a group membership form here or simply send us your own list preferably as an excel spreadsheet if you can.
Either e-mail your completed application to or post it to our registered address at SWCAA- CIC, 22 Miller Crescent, Barnstaple, North Devon, EX32 7DZ.
Membership is non transferable, any new individuals taking over a plot at any time must pay their membership fee. Simply send us their FULL contact details either by post or email and pay via bank transfer or cheque. Any new members will be given the same renewal date as the main group. We do not charge an administration fee for this.
Please allow 14 days for your application to be processed.
For all applicants please include and e-mail address if you have one so we can e-mail you your confirmation, this helps us keep our costs down.
On receipt of your application and payment, you will be sent a receipt of payment which will include your membership number and confirmation of insurance cover plus the terms and conditions of the insurance as well as a copy of our latest newsletter. If you have chosen the e-mail option this will be sent in a PDF format, if this is not suitable or if you have any other requirements please let us know.
Data Protection: The details you provide are for use by SWCAA only and will never be passed on to anybody else.
Your personal details entered during the signup process are protected under the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).