Resisting Allotment Site Closure
The defence of threatened sites is top priority. Helping you to get full cultivation and resist sale of land is a vital regional task for the future of our hobby.
Do not give away a site
Where Statutory Fields are involved, committees or associations should seek advice from SWCAA prior to agreeing to any action under a Section 8 Order to close the field. Once gone, future generations are robbed forever.
Allotment disposal procedures
The Government Office for the South West is now the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). (Look on the website for "planning" and "allotment disposal" headings).
Local authorities must apply to the First Secretary of State for consent if they want to sell or use statutory allotment land for another purpose. This means land which has been bought OR USED specifically for use as allotments(allotments as defined under the Allotment Act 1925). Generally speaking it is up to the local authorities to decide how best to use their land, but Ministers want to ensure that allotment land is not lost as a result of pressure to release land for development. Authorities should also ensure that local people are aware of the availability of allotments and that demand for plots is met.
Sale requirements
Applications for disposal consent in the Region should be made to this office and cover the following issues:
Is the allotment land in question needed or surplus to requirements?
Will adequate provision be made for displaced plot holders, or is such provision not necessary or not able to be met?
Has proper account been taken of the number of people on the waiting list for plots?
Has the authority actively publicised the availability of allotment sites in their area to local people?
What are the implications of the disposal for other development policies, such as those in the developments plan for the area?
Related topics to consult
Allotments - a plot holders guide (booklet), Future of allotments (ODPM)
PPG17(planning policy guide 17) - planning for open space, sport and recreation.